Saturday, May 23, 2009

Vegas Baby!

We had a girls weekend in Vegas and we had so much fun! We layed out and didn't have to chase kids, we went out and were crazy and laughed and laughed and stayed up till morning and talked and talked, we had a blast! Girls I think we should definitely do this more often!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bethanie's Wedding

Kade's sister Bethanie got married last saturday and had a beautiful wedding . It was so fun seeing friends and family. Kade was one of the groomsmen, and Rylie was one of her flower girls, and did such a good job, she loves to have the spotlight on her!

I spent the whole night trying to keep Kyler off the candy table and out of the stream (the wedding was at sunbrook golf course) I gave up towards the end and just let him get soaked, ow well what do ya do?

The wedding turned out so nice, even the weather coperated, and most important Bethanie found a great guy, we are so happy for her!

Bethanie lived with us for a little whille and her and my kids got really close. Rylie was devestated when she moved out, she cried for days. So she has been so excited to be a flowergirl for the wedding.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


We had a really nice Easter. On Sat. we went to the city easter egg hunt, but it was raining and cold and over in like 2 seconds, so that was kind of a bummer. But we had another one on Sun at Kade's parents, and my kids got a ton of candy, and so of course they loved it. It's been a tradition for the last few years that my family goes to Kade's family's house for Easter dinner. Our families are really close, and we always have a good time, and it's nice because we get to spend it with both families. My kids did not want to coperate with pictures that day, the older Kyler gets the less pictures I have because he won't sit still long enough.

Rylie's Dance

Last week Rylie and her best friend Chaisey, did a dance camp at Desert Hills High school, her aunt Jesse is on the dance team so we thought it would be fun for them, and it was, they loved it! They had a performance friday night and loved it, she's always loved being on stage, she loves to have the attention on her, it was really cute!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pirate Island

Last weekend we went with the Milne's to pirtare isalnd pizza. It was our first time there and it was really fun, it was set up so cute, it reminded me of the pirates of the caribean ride at Disnyland. Those who haven't been should go, it's a fun thing to do with the kids, they loved it!

Friday, March 27, 2009

My little trouble maker

So Kyler is always getting into something, and this day he found a fun bag of flour to play in. He was pretty proud of himself. He was laughing, he just thought he was so funny, and with me laughing and taking pictures, that didn't really help him know that he shouldn't play in flour!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Whether you're 5 or 25, its great to have girlfriends! I have such good friends who are always there for me. I love spending time with these girls, we always have a blast! It was Danielle's birthday so it was a good excuse to have a girls night, and we had so much fun. We usually can't stop talking and get in trouble with our husbands because we're out so late. I'm so glad I met Brandy and Danielle, my life would be a lot more boring without them.